Oplysninger om forhandlerwebsite og Memphis Blues Barbeque House kortsaldokontrol. https://www.memphisbluesbbq.com/
Memphis Blues – BBQ House
COVID-19: A letter from Memphis Blues BBQ HQTo our Valued Customers,Although the media has been quick to provide real-time updates on the Coronavirus, we highly recommend you rely on trusted and respected health services for accurate information. These include Public Health agency of Canada (PHAC) at www.canada.ca/en/public-health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at www.cdc.gov and the World Health Organization (WHO) at www.who.int.Our foremost priority at Memphis Blues BBQ is the health and safety of our guests, staff, suppliers and delivery services.Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Memphis Blues BBQ would like to reassure you that we are taking all precautions necessary for your health and safety.We are reinforcing our already high standards and operating procedures for food and hygiene. We always wear gloves for food handling with regular hand washing and we will be frequently sanitizing and wiping down equipment, door handles, tables, booths, chairs, menus and debit machines.We work with our suppliers and delivery partners to ensure they are frequently hand washing and using hand sanitizers.Memphis Blues BBQ is doing our utmost to ensure our guests that every effort and precaution is being made for your safety when you visit any of our Great BBQ restaurants.BBQ is all about Family, friends and fun!Love and BBQ from the Memphis Blues BBQ Family!WhenEffective ImmediatelyWhereBC/ ALBERTA
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Reload your card and check your balance at any Memphis Blues Barbeque House location. Your Memphis Blues Gift Card may only be used for making food or merchandise purchases - it cannot be redeemed for cash.(gcb.today#E1889D).
Unfortunately, the value of this card cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, damaged, or lent to hobbits, so guard it with the love and respect that barbeque deserves. This card never expires, but frankly if you haven''t come in to eat our award winning barbeque within one year, you should be certified, locked up and the key thrown away.(gcb.today#CED4F2). Baahbeque - it''s not just for breakfast anymore.
Memphis Blues Barbeque House
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