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Business Highlights

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THE STUDIO IS OPENand we look forward to seeing you!​• We are now Zooming live from the studio, so if you''re in isolation, or can''t make it to class, you can join our class online, via Zoom.​​FLOOD SUPPORT FUNDRAISER FOR LISMORE YOGA STUDIOOur colleague Julie Hodges runs the Lismore Yoga Studio.While Julie has received a lot of support from the community for her studio, she wants to purchase new yoga equipment to give to students who have lost everything in the floods. All money raised is sent directly to Julie so she can determine the best way to spend the money and support her students. A mycause campaign has been launched to raise funds for Lismore Yoga Studio Student Fundraiser cause. The goal is to raise $5000 by 31-05-2022. Please donate to the campaign and share it with your friends and family to help raise funds to supportLismore Yoga Studio''s students. Thanking you https://www.mycause.com.au/page/280738/lismore-yoga-studio-student-fundraiser​​Springwood Yoga Studio is based in Springwood, Blue Mountains and hosts Iyengar Yoga classes for all levels and ages.The studio was founded in 2001 and is only a short walk from the station and carparks. The studio is fully equipped, so you don’t need to bring anything extra, unless you prefer to use your own mat.​Linda is a certified Level 3 teacher, and is a trainer of teachers. She is the owner of the Studio. The school is supported by an excellent group of teachers including Vicki, Chia and Glyn. All teachers at the studio continually update their knowledge with professional development courses and assessments.Learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga in our 6 Week Beginners Course. Our Beginners Classes are designed to teach the correct foundations of Iyengar Yoga. Each week classes build from the previous one leading to a gradual steady development. Our teachers are highly trained and experienced in guiding students through the first steps of yoga. ​Beginners have a choice of two passes: BEGINNERS RED PASS, which is a 6 visit pass, valid for the duration of the6 week course. If you''d like to come more than once a week, you might prefer the BEGINNERS  RED PLUS PASS –come twice a week (12 visits) valid for 6 weeks.2022 Beginners Courses commence ...January 31March 14April 25June 6July 18August 29October 10November 21 (5 week course)Buy your preferred pass below and then go to the Timetable page to book yourself into your preferred course.The practice of yoga is designed to lead us towards total health and personal awareness. It originated in ancient India and has evolved into many styles. It is just as relevant in today’s society as it was in the past. Yoga is not a religion, but is compatible with all religions. At the Springwood Yoga Studio, we teach ‘Iyengar’ yoga. This is a style that combines correct alignment and dynamic action with stretch and breath in specific postures. Classes can be challenging and invigorating, but with continued practice, the effort you apply comes back to you in the form of increased physical fitness and energy levels, flexibility, balance, mental clarity, calmness, concentration and poise.​Choose below the pass that best suits your inner yogi, and then go to the Timetable page to book yourself into your preferred course.We look forward to hearing from you via one of the methods below. Our phone is generally unattended during classes so please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can.

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Springwood Yoga studio Pty Ltd.0414 235 695 // 3/167-169 Macquarie Rd, Springwood NSW 2777 (above Lloyds IGA)Privacy Policy© 2018 by Lotza Design.

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Gavekort links

Gavekort webside, vilkår og betingelser for Springwood Yoga.

Indsigt i gavekort

  • regular pass - Springwood Yoga Gift Voucher – 10 YOGA CLASSES. Price $185.00. Gift Voucher – 6 YOGA CLASSES. Price $115.00. Gift Voucher – 3 YOGA CLASSES. Price $60.00. EARLYBIRD PRICE $90. EASTER KICKSTART BEGINNERS. Regular Price $100.00 Sale Price $90.00. EARLYBIRD PRICE $90. EASTER KICKSTART GENERAL LEVEL. Regular Price $100.00 Sale Price $90.00. Bronze Pass. Price $500.00. Black Pass. Price $355.00. Blue Pass ... https://www.springwoodyogastudio.com.au/regular-classes
  • gift vouchers | Springwood Yoga Gift Voucher – 6 YOGA CLASSES. Price $115.00. NEW PRODUCT. Gift Voucher – 10 YOGA CLASSES. Price $185.00 ... https://www.springwoodyogastudio.com.au/copy-of-beginners-pass

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  • Online balance: Følg linket til købmandens officielle balance check hjemmeside. Du skal udfylde kortnummer og pin for at hente kortsaldo.
  • Telefonopkald: Ring til forhandlerens supportnummer og spørg, om du kan tjekke kortsaldoen. Du kan muligvis få balance på telefonen efter at have givet kortoplysninger.
  • Faktura/modtagelse: Den resterende saldo på kortet udskrives på indkøbsfakturaen/-modtagelsen.
  • Store Counter: normalt kortet balance kunne blive kigget op på butikken eller butik counter

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